Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Introduction: Why am I here?

I'm here in an attempt to reach other people. We are going to change the world.

I was taught as an elementary school kid, that when you pass electricity through an electro-conductive medium you can create magnetic waves. The demonstration was hooking up a 9 volt battery to a coil of copper wire wrapped around a big nail. The nail was magnitized and would pick up masses of paper clips, until you disconnected the battery.

I believe that we are, fundamentally, big, animated bags of salt water. Electricity flows through our nerves at the speed of light. I know with a certainty that this current flowing through our bodies, being 97% salt water and highly electo-conductive, makes waves of radiation. The hippies called this radiation "vibes". Depending on the dimension you are measuring these vibes can be particles or waves that can move people.

Here is where it gets interesting. Know how waves of sound can interact; reinforcing some frequencies while suppressing others? This can create feedback which is unpleasant. It can create harmony, which is very pleasant. It can battle and rattle against itself in waves of noise, disorganized vibrations.

The same phenomenon takes place in different planes of perception; when people  interact. Generally speaking, I think most of us who are older than sixty are not especially aware of these "Vibes" unless someone draws them to our attention. Then we react with "Oh yeah. I never liked that guy." as if it were the plainest fact. Why did John Kennedy so powerfully connect to voters in the sixties? It's Vibes.

The point of this blog is that we can help our friends tune their vibes. This can help create tremendous waves of human harmony. Call it fun. Call it joy. Making waves on purpose and then launching those waves out into the cosmos expecting the cosmos to reverberate and react is what the joy of creation is about.

This is totally normal. Most of us, after we see a great movie, can't wait to tell our friends. When we find food we love, books we love, life we love, we want to share because it just feels right. It feels right because our Spirits can feel the harvest of the Vibes we plant, even when we may not be conciously aware of what's happening.

Living in the twenty first century is dangerous. Wicked people try to own the planet and rule the people with iron fists. They are warped. They have come to believe the great lie that you can get gain from killing people. They live, choosing to believe that owning stuff and using people is the path to joy. That is understandable. The super rich end up owning everything and hating practically everyone who is happy, because they themselves are miserable. The forces of chaos and entropy always win in the material world.

Ready for this? Harmony, peace, and joy are not native to the material world. They come from the realm of Vibes. When we send a million texts, blog a million posts, launch millions more videos, paint pictures, tell stories, elect a thousand cool candidates, and hold each other's electronic hands; we are creating a web of love. We are building a new world. If the rich knew how the computer revolution would empower people to focus and magnify Vibes, they would have no doubt assassinated Steve Jobs and the dork from Microsoft.  The vibrations we share are what will sustain us when life in the temporal plane turns dark, as it must.

This blog, this post, is a spark of light. It takes miles of dark to hide a spark of light. Come change the world with me.

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